Due to overwhelming workload I have been a remiss in posting Rhapsody tips recently. However, that's not to say that I've not been busy. For those that might be interested in Executable MBSE my version 2 of the Rhapsody SysMLHelper that I first showed here is nearing completion.
Version 2 is much more extensive. Latest changes are support for menu localization and a three way option for populating the hierarchy.
The helper is about 12,000 SLOC of Java plugin code. The latest is v2.0.28 (I did say I was busy). The goal is to make Executable MBSE with Rhapsody simple enough to do without training. Building on my 7+ years experience in IBM with Harmony/SE and subsequent experience. It is designed to be more flexible and easy to adopt, works at a range of modelling scales, and is completely free if you're happy to accept the GPL 3.0 license. More info to follow.
For those interested in knowing more about executable MBSE and other SysML topics my latest Rhapsody MBSE/SysML training course is moving to Dec 6-8th 2016 at HORIBA MIRA. Depending on participants interest I will show the helper in full glory as part of the discussion on methods.
Understand the art of the possible. My mission is to make executable Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) easy with the Object Management Group's Systems Modeling Language™ (SysML®) and UML® to make simple modeling easy to deploy to the masses. This site provides practical experience of tuning IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® - a precision engineering UML/SysML tool. Rhapsody tips and ideas will be posted with links to videos. You can follow by email (if google app is allowed).