Tuesday, 23 June 2020

IBM Rhapsody Tip #79 - Some shortcuts you may or may not know! (Simple)

We're all creatures of habit, I guess, hence we tend to find our own ways of doing these and sometimes it's not always the fastest. This short (and mostly silent) tips and tricks video for the IBM Rational Rhapsody UML/SysML tool came off the back of a recent webinar I did with IBM where somebody pointed out a shortcut I don't use for one of the menus that I use all the time. This made me think that a little video on shortcuts would be a good refresher for people. The video covers some "accelerators" (keys that perform actions) and modifiers (keys that modify actions) that you may or may not know.

Here's the transcript:

This short (and mostly silent) tips and tricks video came off the back of a recent webinar I delivered where an ex-IBM colleague commented about his favourite Rhapsody shortcut and I thought, why don't I use that? Anyway, here's a small selection to refresh our minds ;-)

Rhapsody includes various keyboard shortcuts (also known as accelerators). An accelerator key is a key (or combination of keys) designed to achieve a specific action.

Some of these are common to Windows applications but others may be specific to Rhapsody features such as diagram editing or controlling the workspace.

E.g., Edit > Select > Select Same Type is one of the tucked away menus I use a lot in Rhapsody! Ctrl+Alt+T is the shortcut for Select Same Type.

Ctrl+Alt+T selects all the elements of the same type, useful for using the Layout toolbar to align or space elements

Multi-select also enables you to set common display options, e.g., to show Description compartment in all the selected graph elements.

Ctrl+L is Navigate > Locate in browser.

Modifying with Shift, i.e. Ctrl+Shift+L, will Navigate > Locate on diagram.

If a diagram is selected then Ctrl+P will launch the print dialog.

Less familiar, did you know that Ctrl+R, will display the References for a selected element?

Rhapsody's Enhanced Tooltip is sometimes a useful feature (and sometimes not)...

There's some shortcut clues down here...

E.g., Ctrl+F2 will persisted the Enhanced Tooltip window.

Ctrl+Alt+F2 will toggle enhanced tooltip on and off.

Shift+Alt+F2 and it's off.

Shift+Alt+F2 again and it's on.

Another useful toggle is Ctrl+0 (zero). Ctrl+0 will hide/show the browser.

If we want to reset our workspace window layout then Ctrl+W will Window > Arrange Options.

Modifiers change the behavior of a command.

E.g. Delete will normally Remove from View, i.e. element is still in model!

Adding the Ctrl modifier, i.e., Ctrl+Delete, will Delete from model.

Modifiers also work with other commands

E.g. Ctrl+F is a conventional Windows shortcut for launching a Search dialog.

Shift+Ctrl+F will modify to Search in Diagram...

There are more, of course. However, do you know the shortcut for zoom to fit?

F6 will Zoom to fit for a diagram.

... and the Shift modifier, i.e., Shift+F6, does Undo Zoom to go back.

My Rhapsody YouTube channel subscribers now over 500!

Cause for celebration! Last week I got an email from YouTube telling me that my MBSETraining YouTube Channel had enough subscribers to fill a jumbo jet.  Of course, this is before social distancing. That said, they then told me that there was still way short of being able to generate any revenue from my efforts. Oh well.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

3rd and final webinar in series on IBM Rhapsody hosted by IBM

I think we had over 50 people at the last one!

My 3rd and final in a series of live webinars on advanced MBSE techniques with #ibm #rhapsody is this Thursday at 14:00 (BST). This weeks topic is:

18th June @ 3pm CET - Simplifying SysML for the Real World. 

Registration is via an IBM page:  https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2396520/1308314875BBD4EF2ABB05E0260ADC85

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Reflections on last week

One of the topics I covered in my instructor-led web-based Rhapsody training to the USA last week was use case modeling.

I like to keep it topical and hence we did a brainstorm of use cases for the UK's NHS COVID Tracing App which was interesting. Quite an engaging topic and a great one to discuss the benefits of using use case diagrams and activity diagrams to explore requirements definition work!

Here's a few screenshots from the short session (work in progress):

MBSE Webinar series - June 2020

I have some Rhapsody-related webinars with IBM coming up if anybody is interested:

Registration Links
4th June @ 3pm CET - Systems Modelling Hints, Tips & Tricks
11th June @ 12pm CET - Dovetailing Model Based Systems Engineering with Requirements Management
18th June @ 3pm CET - Simplifying SysML for the Real World