This is my first video for a while and comes from some recent work trying to make it easier for users to exploit the power features of IBM Engineering Rhapsody for filtering diagrams to show elements within a view. Rhapsody includes lots of features to do this such as Queries and CustomViews but it's not always easy to set them up, hence I added some support to Rhapsody to make both the setting up of the necessary elements and then the usability of those elements much easier. After showing the resulting example, the video steps through the steps of creating it using my helper.
Understand the art of the possible. My mission is to make executable Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) easy with the Object Management Group's Systems Modeling Language™ (SysML®) and UML® to make simple modeling easy to deploy to the masses. This site provides practical experience of tuning IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® - a precision engineering UML/SysML tool. Rhapsody tips and ideas will be posted with links to videos. You can follow by email (if google app is allowed).
Wednesday, 2 November 2022
First delivery of my new Model-based Testing with Test Conductor training course
Last week I did my first delivery of a new Model-based Testing with IBM Rhapsody Test Conductor (1 day) course I developed to a group of 15 participants, my first new material for a while. Training was based on Rhapsody 9.0.1 iFix 003.
This was the feedback:
Final Class Summary
General: 4.6 out of 5
Material: 4.8 out of 5
Instructor: 4.9 out of 5
Overall Satisfaction: 9.3 out of 10
The material is all based on hands-on labs and does assume some knowledge of Rhapsody. It can be considered as a 1-day add-on to existing 3-day Mastering Rhapsody trainings. Either done in the same training cycle or as a top-up that gives more exposure to executable modeling later on.
Rhapsody 9.0.1 iFix 003 SR1 was released 29-Sep-2022
For those that don't know, the latest Interim Fix (iFix) 003 for Rhapsody 9.0.1 is actually a Service Release (SR). This means that it's a complete installer that you can install like a release and don't need to install anything afterwards to get additional fixes (at least at the moment). This makes it a good candidate for performing new installs with as there is just one installer to deal with.
To obtain iFixes for IBM products, you do not need to be a customer but may need to register for IBM id. They are available on IBM's Fix Central website:
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