How I can help?

My name is Fraser. I am an independent technical specialist in IBM Rhapsody systems and software modelling (20+ years of modelling, 14+ years of Rhapsody). I have been working for myself for close to 6 years since leaving IBM. I work on behalf of a range of worldwide IBM business partners. I also work direct with customers if they contact me first, which can be cheaper although I'm happy to work via existing channels. Typical work includes:

  1. As a Rhapsody Tool-smith: Building integrations and helpers to order (in Java and using profiles). Helping clients to accelerate the deployment of. Helping business partners and customers with experience and deep product knowledge. Model-migration services, incl. Cameo/Tau G2/non-SysML/UML/other.
  2. Online or face-to-face expert-led instructor-based training: Hands-on tool-based training as either a one-off (to kick start your knowledge with experience) or as a company programme. Included in this is the ability to customise, at no cost, the training for existing users and particular topics, and ability to stand up virtual training machines for each participant with support from Island Training, probably the world's leading training provider of IBM Jazz platform training.
  3. As a Rhapsody "Fixer": Sometimes companies face issues with experts leaving or they get stuck on a version and don't know what they're missing. With a few days of consulting it's possible to inject my experience and knowledge. Recent work includes helping a client migrate from Rhapsody 5.02 to 8.3.1, "health checks" and Java coding for a modeling-focused web platform (Smartfacts). I'm a specialist in Rhapsody but also know other modeling tools like NoMagic Cameo and what was Artisan Studio (was rebranded PTC Integrity Modeler but may have just be been rebranded again)
  4. As a partner: A lot of my work is delivered through IBM business partners and sometimes it's easier to contract me this way if you have an existing customer relationship. I can supplement partner's core strengths with in depth Rhapsody technical knowledge.
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New training and quick start option's include:

Course Id Description Duration Style
MBSE#3D3 Automotive MBSE with IBM Rational Rhapsody
  • Method-based training that focuses on use of Rhapsody for modeling automotive concepts, incl. features and functions.
  • Workshop on a method/workflow for features and function-based systems engineering (incl. black-box to white-box concepts).
  • Understand how to interweave Requirements and traceability concepts with MBSE (incl. appreciation of DOORS NG).
  • Understand underlying concepts of composite structure and hierarchical decomposition in Rhapsody.
  • Understand how to extend Rhapsody with properties, profiles, stereotypes and tags.
  • Advanced use of tables/matrices/metrics, incl. context patterns.
  • An appreciation in the use of IBM Jazz platform for Rhapsody model storage and sharing.
3 days Workshop-based hands-on training with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#3D1 Mastering MBSE with OMG SysML and IBM Rational Rhapsody
  • Rationale and benefits of OMG SysML and its use in a system engineering team-based context to exchange information across disciplines.
  • Key usability tips and tricks from highly experience trainer, including setting up the Rhapsody modeling tool for different usage patterns.
  • Understanding the different SysML 1.5 diagrams and how they’re used to exchange information about requirements and architectures.
  • Exploration of use case modelling and behavioural modelling with use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and state-machine diagrams.
  • Understanding the relationship between models and requirements, including requirements diagrams, matrices and tables.
  • Understanding structural modelling with block definition diagrams and internal block diagrams, and an appreciation of different port and interface types in UML and SysML.
  • Hands-on building SysML models with Rhapsody from scratch, including setting up a model with properties and profiles.
  • Appreciation of steps to set-up and use tool in a team environment, including linkage with other tools like Rational DOORS, DOORS NG, Word/Excel.
  • Use of tables/matrices/metrics for viewing traceability and allocation information.
  • Understanding the interaction model, incl use of sequence diagrams and statecharts.
  • Appreciate how different methodologies might be used with SysML.
3 days Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#4D1 Advanced MBSE with OMG SysML and IBM Rational Rhapsody
  • Foundation 3-day practical MBSE content plus addition 1 day on advanced tool usage.
  • Building executable system models using IBM Rational Rhapsody, including better understanding animation sequence diagrams, panel diagrams and state chart usage.
  • Deeper understanding of different ports and interfaces in UML and SysML.
  • Tool or methodology specific Q&A, e.g., options for customising Rhapsody for different domains/business needs, e.g., A-SPICE / safety, incl use of Rhapsody’s properties (and Java API) to automate steps.
  • AOB (Any Other Business from days 1-3)
4 days Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#1D1 Masterclass in IBM Rational Rhapsody core fundamentals
  • Core foundation knowledge focused on understanding the fundamentals of Rhapsody tool usage for both existing and new users.
  • Advanced Rhapsody usability tips and tricks, incl. advanced concepts such as browser filtering, zoom mode, queries etc.
  • Usability tips for exploring large models, diagrams, tables and matrices.
  • Understanding Rhapsody's property hierarchy and how to configure the tool for different purposes.
  • Use of profiles properties, stereotypes, tags, and techniques for conveying format/display options.
  • Creating models from scratch, incl. use of referenced profiles and language choices.
  • An appreciation of how multiple models can reference parts of other models and approaches for managing team-based development.
1 day Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#1D2 Masterclass in modeling with requirements and external Requirements Management tools
  • Core foundation knowledge focused on understanding how to trace and report with requirements held external to Rhapsody projects.
  • Understanding standardized approaches for capturing traceability in models, incl relationships such as trace, refine, satisfy and verify, and derivation.
  • Understanding use cases, their relationships to requirements, their benefits and common pitfalls to avoid.
  • Understanding core principles of technology including customising Rational Rhapsody Gateway to import requirements from Word/Excel/DOORS 9.0 and other text-based sources.
  • An introduction to Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM, aka Jazz/am) to publish models accessible by web-client and provide multi-user access to Rhapsody models.
  • Understanding the IBM Jazz architecture use of Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) links to link Rhapsody diagrams and elements to Rational DOORS Next Generation (Jazz/rm) artefacts.
  • Exploiting tables and matrices in Rhapsody projects, incl. an appreciation of advanced techniques such as context patterns.
  • An appreciation of SysML allocation and use of allocation tables and matrices.
1 day Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#1D3 Masterclass in hierarchical system decomposition and component-based design with SysML/UML
  • Core foundation knowledge focused on understanding composite structure in UML2/SysML, incl. parts, ports and connectors.
  • Understanding relationships between classifiers (blocks/classes/actors), such as composition, association, aggregation, and generalisation.
  • Modeling classifier relationships using Block Definition Diagrams (SysML) or Class Diagrams (UML), incl. display options/compartments.
  • Hierarchically decomposing systems to any level using Internal Block Diagrams (SysML) or Composite Structure Diagrams (UML), incl ports and connectors.
  • Appropriate use of different port types in UML and SysML, UML standard ports vs SysML proxy ports vs. flow ports vs full ports.
  • Interaction modeling, incl. sequence diagram tips and tricks in Rhapsody and their key relationship with statecharts.
1 day Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#1D4 Masterclass in model-driven development (MDD) for C or C++ development using IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer
  • A lab-based workshop developing software code from scratch based on requirements in DOORS/Word or DNG.
  • Focus on use of state-machines to build behavioral models of reactive systems, incl. core statechart syntax in Rhapsody.
  • Understand how relationships in UML class model map to methods/data members in C/C++ and ways to configure the code-generator using properties and stereotypes.
  • Use of sequence diagrams to define collaborations between objects.
  • Appreciate use of UML ports and interfaces to build re-usable software components.
  • A comparison of the different mappings available between UML and C in Rhapsody (File vs. Class-based mappings in Rhapsody in C).
  • Appreciate the technology available for reverse engineering existing C or C++ source code.
  • Appreciate the use of RMM and RTC client to manage multi-user access to Rhapsody projects.
  • (Optional) Appreciate use of flow ports and change events in Rhapsody.
1 day Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#1D5 Overview of UML or SysML
  • Overview of the different diagram types in SysML and/or UML.
  • Get a hands-on feel for what modeling is, and how modeling tools differ from drawing tools.
  • Key Rhapsody usability tips and tricks
1 day Theory and labs delivered with focus on new user's needs (web-based or face-to-face).
MBSE#1D4 Masterclass in IBM Rational Rhapsody statechart syntax for C++/simulation-generation purposes
  • Advanced knowledge focused on the Harel-based syntax for state-machine execution in Rhapsody.
  • Understanding nested states and their usage.
  • Understanding parallel states (orthogonal regions) and their usage.
  • Understanding pseudo states such as history and condition connectors.
  • Understanding collaboration between reactive classes and associated syntax for generating and receiving events.
  • Building and running simulations with animated sequence diagrams.
  • An appreciation of Rhapsody's Object eXecution Framework (OxF) for simulation and code-generation purposes.
1 day Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#2D2 Executable MBSE with IBM Rational Rhapsody (Workshop)
  • Advanced MBSE content focused on use of SysMLHelper profile automation to create test cases from executable systems models.
  • Training will involve team-based exercises in creating a model from scratch.
  • Understand role of tools, language, method and people in the hand-off between teams and disciplines.
  • Deeper understanding of state-machine syntax for event-based system definition.
  • Assumes some experience with Rhapsody/SysML (i.e. Foundation-course level knowledge).
2 days Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#2D2 MBSE with Rational Jazz
  • 2 day training on IBM Rational Rhapsody with DOORS Next Generation and Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM).
  • Overview of Rational Jazz platform, including understanding /ccm, /rm, and /am applications.
  • Understand of base concepts of configuration of models using Rational Model Manager.
  • Exploring and using models puclished via web-client.
  • Using OSLC linkages between models and requirements.
  • Tips and tricks for installing and setting up the environment.
2 days Web-based or classroom-based hands-on training with labs and theory with Rhapsody technical expert.
MBSE#3D2 Rhapsody usage Health check
  • 3 days of consulting.
  • Review of current usage based on at desk reviews with 3-4 users.
  • Read-back on level of usage maturity, alignment with project goals.
  • Identification of quick wins and recommended steps to take up a gear.
3 days 2 days on-site with 1 day to cover follow-up presentation.

Tailor-made training

One of the advantages of owning all this material is that content can be customized for your own training needs.

You could license the material for your organization (i.e. I "train the trainer" and license the material for you to deliver).

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