Q: Do you need tool-specific training to learn MBSE/SysML?
A: The difference between theory and practice is that in theory there is no difference ;-) Whether to take tool specific training depends how much time have you got? What do you want to achieve in that time? Imagine that you want to build a new road. You have bought a JCB digger and the other heavy machinery needed. Your crew turns up; they've read the book but never used the tools before. Are you happy to let them loose on the job? Do you mind if they learn on the job? What if the job is actually a Cathedral, rather than road, will they achieve it? Is time a factor, or first-time success desirable?Q: What type of training is this?
A: Training takes of the form of that delivered by I-Logix/Telelogic over 10+ years. It's instructor-led classroom training using the software and proven techniques. Theory and practical experienced is interleaved with hands on labs that re-enforce the theory. A range of teaching styles is used to maintain interest including discussion, videos, demos, challenges. The fundamental premise of the training is "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Confucius 551 – 479 BC).Q: What's the maximum class size?
A: 12
Q: What training material is provided?

A SysML Helper profile is provided and used as an example of tool customization. Example and lab start/end points models are provided in a zip.
The training uses more than one example, so participants get used to seeing how different examples are realized with the same notation.
Q: Can I do SysML with Rhapsody by just learning SysML?
A: As Doug Rosenberg says "The difference between theory and practice, is that in theory there is no difference".
Q: Can you offer training outside of the UK?
A: We can deliver international including USA; either requisitioned directly or through training partners. The trainer has delivered similar material in Italy, Spain and Germany. The lab material is mostly screenshots and picture-based hence easy to follow. That said localisation could be achieved with agreement and, optionally, a native language speaker arranged if preferred. We're also open to establishing relationships with local training business partners.
Q: Can you provide tool licenses for training?
A: Yes.
Q: What Edition/Versions of Rhapsody does the tool training cover?
A: All the Rhapsody editions support SysML at no extra cost (see the Rhapsody Family). The Rational Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers Edition is used for the training (version 8.3.1). Majority of content is also applicable for Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers except for the simulation.
Q: Can you provide venue and machines for training?
A: Yes, but would be at additional cost.
Q: Is this official IBM training?
A: MBSE Training and Consulting Ltd has an agreement with IBM but the material is owned and copyrighted by MBSE Training and Consulting Ltd. This enables more flexibility and tailoring to customer need at very short notice, quicker updates to ensure that it's always on the latest product, and more flexible pricing and/or licensing.
Q: Can you provide Rhapsody software training?
A: Yes.