Friday 15 February 2019

Rational Rhapsody Tip #53 - Linking Rhapsody to DOORS NG using a Lifecycle Project (Intermediate)

This 7 min video is the first of two looking at OSLC linking between Rhapsody projects and Rational DOORS Next Generation (DNG). It shows a trick I often use to set up a simple evaluation environment. The trick is to create the Rhapsody Model Manager (/am) and DOORS NG Requirements Management (/rm) project areas first (using the AMR system sample) and then use the Jazz Lifecycle Project Area wizard to create the associations. Another thing shown in the video is the use of a Module View in DNG to define requirements to link. A DNG project area can have many thousand artifacts of many different types. A View allows you to limit what's shown in the Rhapsody browser. With an association created to an /rm project area, the Remote Artifacts Package category can then be populated to show the requirements in DNG directly in the Rhapsody browser. They're not imported, of course, rather Rhapsody is able to use the OSLC interface to expose requirements that are stored in the /rm database, for modeling purposes (which will be the topic of the next video).

Note: In visiting a few of my customers I noticed that you're not all able to view YouTube videos, hence I'll try and put a bit more detail on the blog.

1. One of the quickest ways to create a Rhapsody project area linked to Requirements for evaluation is using a Jazz built in lifecycle project template. The wizard includes an initial template for Rhapsody Model Management with CLM (Requirements, Change, and Quality Management).

2. When a project is stored in Rhapsody Model Manager (Jazz /am) but not associated with other project areas then it will have an empty Remote Artifact Package category in the browser.

3. DOORS NG has a customizable information model and hence your Jazz /rm project will look different based on the template you choose.

4. To show DNG for complex systems engineering there is a “systems sample” for an Automated Meter Reader project so I’ve created a project using that (OK, I’ve called the project something else).

5. As a module in DNG could contain artifacts of many different types, we might want to create view that just shows requirements. I created this shared ‘Stakeholder Approved’ view, for example, to show all the Approved requirements with the Artifact Type Stakeholder Requirements.

6. One of the quickest ways to create associations between multiple project areas is to choose Create Lifecycle Project.

7. There is lifecycle project template called Quality Professional, Analyst, Developer – with Architecture or Design Management.  You can Link to Existing … for the project areas you already have created.

8. The lifecycle project creation establishes the missing project areas and also sets up associations between them that will bring OSLC linking to life.
9. We need to ensure that the necessary users members of the new project areas and that they all have appropriate roles.

10. Now in the Jazz /am project area, there are Associations to the other project areas listed (to requirements, change, and quality management).

11. If we close and reopen the Rhapsody project we can see that Remote Artifact Packages are now listed in the browser, and we can login to the server and choose to populate a collection.

12. The requirements in DOORS NG (Jazz /am) now become visible in the Rhapsody browser.

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