Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Rhapsody Tip #41 - Making the recent files list wider (Advanced)

Note: It sounds like a "yeh, yeh, sure" tip. However, create a back-up of your rhapsody.ini file before editing, as sometimes Rhapsody will try to write even though it looks as though it's closed down, hence you could end up corrupting it (which may mean that you lose your Gateway or TestConductor menus).

This IBM Rational Rhapsody tips and tricks video shows how to get Rhapsody to use more characters when displaying the Recent Files list in the File menu. The variable is called MaxDisplayLength and needs to be set in the [General] section of the .ini file. This was new in Rhapsody 8.3.1, hence you may have to upgrade for it to work. The value of the variable should be the number of characters that you want to have displayed. If you set MaxDisplayLength = -1, there is no limit on the width of the menu. Be careful though. Rhapsody writes to the .ini file. As with all manual .ini file changes be sure that Rhapsody is not running when you edit it!

The video also shows an example where I needed this to demo Rational Model Manager more effectively. When showing collaborative model management you often want to switch to different views of the same model owned by different users in different sandboxes. To choose the correct path using the Recent Files list I set the MaxDisplayLength variable.

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