Wednesday, 23 October 2019

One hundred and seventy eight - 178

I've got a break of work, so I've been looking at my statistics for the year so far. 178 is the number of different people I've trained this year on Rhapsody. This is detailed 'nuts-and-bolts of the tool/language' with hands-on labs (rather than fluffy UML 'look how pretty these boxes and ellipses') training.

A few things I'm looking at are:
a) Offering web-based public training on a regular cycle (1 per quarter).
b) Offering SysML for automotive software architecture, looking at key adaptations to automotive market segment for 26262 and A-SPICE.

p.s. My latest training adds an optional day that combines C++ or C code generation with the use of RMM for storing the models and DNG for linking to requirements as external artefacts in the Rhapsody browser.

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