Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Rhapsody 9.0.1 iFix 003 SR1 was released 29-Sep-2022

For those that don't know, the latest Interim Fix (iFix) 003 for Rhapsody 9.0.1 is actually a Service Release (SR). This means that it's a complete installer that you can install like a release and don't need to install anything afterwards to get additional fixes (at least at the moment). This makes it a good candidate for performing new installs with as there is just one installer to deal with.

To obtain iFixes for IBM products, you do not need to be a customer but may need to register for IBM id. They are available on IBM's Fix Central website:

Search for: IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody

If you have a previous 9.0.1 installing you need to uninstall and then re-install. Obviously, this needs to be done with an understanding of what customization's you've done to the rhapsody.ini, Share folder such as profiles and properties.

Really iFix 003 is a roll up of all the fixes done since 9.0.1 was originally released into a single installation package. It makes it a good candidate for new installs where you're rolling out Jazz 7.0.2.

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