Friday, 18 August 2023

Continued development of executablembse profile

I've been continuing development of executable mbse profile (part of the SysML Helper collection), an open-source project I started in 2016 to automate some Harmony-like methods steps because I needed the HarmonySE toolkit to do some additional things / cope with a new workflow.

I don't post about this here though as it would've overwhelmed my video posting. Instead, the profile changes are posted here: 

Things to note:

1. The SysMLHelper bundle has more than one profile. It has the original SysMLHelper profile but I moved my development to the ExecutableMBSE profile in 30 May 2019. I also did a Tau G2 migration profile, for example, and a Metamodeling profile. 

2. All the profiles including the Metamodeling Profile are in the same bundle because they share the Java code. I found that whenever I was creating a profile for a new task or a new problem that needed a GUI, I needed to repeat a lot of code. The bundling like gives a better foundation for creating and updating profiles quickly without re-inventing the wheel. 

3. Profile will pretty much work with any Rhapsody version 8.3.1 onwards as the API hasn't changed that much. The unit files for the profile are developed in 8.3.1.  

2. The Executable MBSE profile (main active profile under dev) has two different workflows for modeling functions; either using operations or using function blocks (new term metatype based on class). Latest stuff is all coming from customers who've found ways of working with DOORS NG and OSLC (things that come from real workflows).

3. Profile uses a metamodel profile that is part of SysML toolkit to render properties for new terms. I back-fitted this into the SysML Helper profile collection in 2021 and seems to work well. 

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