Saturday, 19 March 2016

Next public training is at MIRA Academy

The next opportunity for public Rhapsody MBSE training is 10th-12th May at HORIBA-MIRA Academy near Nuneaton. This includes an option for a 1 day "hands on" Introduction to MBSE with Rhapsody and SysML. The 1 day focuses on a Wireless Alarm System sample project and provides an introduction to SysML. It's self contained and hence provides a great "hands on" introduction to Rhapsody 8.1.3 for those taking their first steps or wanting to refresh.

Depending on how bold you want to be (and whether you have budget) you can expand into the longer course. See MIRA landing page for course inquiries and booking. I'm happy to give you a call if you need more info.

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