Thursday 13 July 2017

Executable MBSE webinar planned for IBM on Wed, Jul 19, 2017 4:00 PM BST

Wed, Jul 19, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM BST
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Presenter: Fraser Chadburn, Trainer/consultant in Rational Rhapsody (currently working in automotive)

Fraser will demonstrate creating an executable “concept of operations” OMG SysML model from scratch with requirements traced in DOORS. He will use an open-source alternative to the Harmony-SE toolkit and explain how it has evolved slightly differently in order to fit with the experiences he's  seen in the automotive market. Advanced and exploratory techniques will be touched on such as using Object-Orientated inheritance of black-box behaviours, coping with iterative and evolving use case models, as well as use of tool automation to reduce training needs during deployment. Aligning SysML/UML usage to the graphical notations familiar to automotive control engineers expectations, using state-based behaviours with continuous conditions, flowing data between controllers, and automatically building test plans/cases from executing the system specification will be touched on based on aspirations to use standards-based SysML modelling in automotive feature development.


  1. What are the costs for this Webinar?

  2. IBM does not charge for Rhapsody Enlightenment Webinars, it's free.

  3. Is there a recording available?


    If this URL is used you will be able to navigate ti the recording of the webinar.


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