Saturday, 23 September 2017

Rhapsody Tip #25 - Exporting just diagrams into existing DOORS modules (Intermediate)

Conventional Rhapsody Gateway usage would be to export a Rhapsody model as a surrogate module in DOORS with links to a formal module that contains the requirements. However, did you know that the Export Document to DOORS functionality can be used to add Rhapsody diagrams to an existing DOORS module? This can be useful for supplementing textual requirements with diagrammatic information that makes them easier to understand and conveys additional meaning. It's straight forward. However, the settings need to be done carefully to make it work as expected. This short video illustrates.

Key things to remember:
  • Set the Capture diagrams variable for the model (in the Project Configuration), re-analyze and make sure the diagrams are shown.
  • In the Export Document to DOORS dialog:
    - Filter out all the element types that are not diagrams (and parts of the model you don't want).
    - Check the box for Diagram images.
    - Check the box for Keep children of filtered elements.
    - Check the box for Do not maintain elements location.
    - Specify the DOORS login details (e.g. using a profile for the server)

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