Sunday, 1 October 2017

Rhapsody Tip #26 - Avoiding kinky lines, e.g., when drawing activity diagrams (Simple)

When I'm drawing a diagram in Rational Rhapsody - such as an activity diagram in SysML/UML - I often end up going back to the diagram to remove kinks in things like control or object flows. A simple technique to stop this happening is to press the Ctrl key when drawing the line. This very short 1’15’’ video illustrates. This is a simple proactive technique that means you spend less time going back to adjust lines you’ve just drawn.

This video, as it uses Rhapsody 8.2.1, also gives a quick view of the new on-diagram toolbar which also speeds things up as it reduces the need to go back to the drawing toolbar, and reminds you that there’s also a Stamp Mode that can speed up wiring up actions on an activity diagram (although I find you have to remember to turn it off).

The Rhapsody help has a full list of shortcuts:

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