Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Updated C++ Essentials for IBM Rational Rhapsody for Software Engineers (QQ139)

I recently updated IBM's Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody C++ for Software Engineers (QQ139) for a later version of Rhapsody. This means that I can now deliver it with a more up to date Rhapsody version. The initial update was to 8.1.1 but later versions are possible, depending on delivery context, and I could deliver this through an IBM Global Training Partner (GTP) if needed.

This 4 day intensive "hands on" course teaches you UML and Rational Rhapsody's core Developer Edition capabilities, enabling you to rapidly develop applications using UML, placing a strong focus on Rhapsody's Object eXecution Framework for embedded real-time software. The course is focused on the C++ language using Rational Rhapsody for C++ although it does include an exercise of reverse engineering library functions in C. Using hands-on exercises that replicate ''real world'' applications, you forge a strong UML 2 and Rational Rhapsody foundation and learn how to optimally leverage automation of software development activities and artefact generation using model-driven development (MDD).

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