Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Rhapsody 8.3 is released (6.0.5)

For those that don't know Rhapsody 8.3 was released on 4th December 2017:

I have big hopes for this release. Most significantly it aligns with the Jazz 6.0.5 release that heralds the introduction of a new Jazz application called Jazz/am that is licensed for users that have Design Manager licenses. Although the abbreviation is /am to align with the OSLC "Architecture Management". Essentially this is modified version of RTC for model management called Rhapsody Model Manager (or RMM for short). There is some summary information on here. For those that don't know what OSLC is there is a summary video here. It's about publishing lifecycle data as URLs and linked them without moving data and making this standards, non-proprietary based.

Bare in mind that the IBM Announcement Letter for 8.1 stated that "Design Manager is now part of Rhapsody Developer and Rhapsody Designer products" so if you have Developer or Designer products under maintenance then you have the ability to generate DM licenses and thus use RMM without additional cost of RTC licenses.

In essence this means that it's possible to use the powerful SCM capabilities of RTC for modelling, such as component-based SCM, repository-based private sandboxes for review, stream-based SCM, without needing to pay for RTC Professional licenses. It also means that some of the deployment aspects such as getting Rhapsody models to publish OSLC resources will be simplified, as it will be built-in with the RMM application model saving.

The IBM Help pages for 8.3 are here. Remember that if you want to google for Help or Topics on Rhapsody that if you pre-fix with "Rational Rhapsody" then chances are that you'll get a good return on your search. You don't pre-fix your google search then think Freddie Mercury. On that subject check out these 20 versions of Bohemian Rhapsody. I like the Muppet version the best.

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