Sunday, 21 October 2018

Reflections on a great Agile Engineering Summit Oct 15-17

Last week I was in Washington DC, in the States, privileged to be presenting a paper (and demo) on IBM Rational Rhapsody at IBM's Agile Engineering Summit. What was really nice was meeting up with people I've worked with. There was also the bumping into the odd German-sounding chap and fantastic IBM colleagues ;-). Let me say hi, therefore, to Willert software tools who offer great value for money (and frankly some good direct speaking) for those looking to use Model-Driven Development (MDD) with Rhapsody on tight-embedded targets and micro-controllers (for a good price). They've been doing this for automotive customers for a long time. Other than that it was fantastic to meet some of my USA Rhapsody customers and listen to their presentations. Great week.

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