Thursday, 16 July 2020

Small SysMLHelper profile update

Just a quick note to say that I uploaded some fixes to create a v3.0.x version of the SysMLHelper on For those that don't know I host this an open source project on GitHub (with a GPL 3.0 license).

The SysMLHelper profile is a super-set of profiles and actually includes a number of different profiles that re-use a common Java code base:
a) A backwardly compatible update of the original v2.0 SysMLHelper profile
b) An ExecutableMBSE profile (my new term update to the original SysMLHelper), and
c) A FunctionalDesign profile (the first example of a few).
d) A Tau G2 model migration profile (work done for a specific customer).

I have a second stream of profile development underway focused on a function block-based Automotive Profile.

This new stream includes better meta-modelling support to make it easier to build Domain-Specific profiles with Rhapsody very quickly but is not yet available for distribution. This also follows the principal of re-using Java code for Rhapsody helpers so that it's quick to create customer-specific versions that are packed with usability features.

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