Thursday, 15 October 2020

Smartfacts: Model repository and web publishing for multiple tools not just Rhapsody

Interested in a model repository and sharing platform for many different types of modeling tools, not just Rhapsody? Check out the MID smartfacts technology:

Background: IBM Rational brand originally worked on the Design Manager repository-based technology, an ontological database with a Jazz-based client for web-based access. Originally they moved it to support their Java-modeling Rational Software Architect (RSA) tool. They then acquired Telelogic and began adapting it for Rhapsody, ultimately shipping a Rhapsody Design Manager (RDM) variant. At the same time a web-publishing adapter was also available for MathWorks Simulink models and was covered under the RDM licensing. With the move away from repository-based to the file-based Rhapsody Model-Manager technology (RMM), the Simulink aspect (and ability to write adapters to other tools) got dropped, potentially leaving a gap for companies interested in a library and linking capability for a range of tools. Could smartfacts plug this gap? 


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