Friday, 17 May 2019

Feedback from Mastering MBSE with SysML and IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1 (4 Day) on May 7-10 2019

Having finished (or been in the process of finishing) a lot of consulting jobs, I'm in a spate of training's at the moment. The following is the feedback summary from my May 7-10 training.

Feedback forms included "Very useful to have the mix of theory, demos & hands-on" and "clear, concise information in core sections with expanded info available. Easily followed labs with good, structured progression".

For my perspective, the benefit of the 4 day training was the re-enforcement of learning at the end. Following the "let's create a system from scratch" example  from use case to white box at the end proved to be quite good fun, and it was great to see the creativity in the team.

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