Sunday, 24 June 2018

V7 of Mastering MBSE with SysML and Rational Rhapsody

I have just completed the version 7 update of my 4-day Rational Rhapsody SysML training material. As with the v6 material it's still based on Rhapsody v8.3. However, I've added an improvements particularly in the ports and interfaces area including new theory slides and a full new lab (covering standard vs proxy ports).  If any previous training attendees want the new slides then email me.

My next open training course is 3-4, 5-6 July in conjunction with HORIBA-MIRA academy. It's not only automotive focused but I imagine the topics of how SysML and Rhapsody can be used in 26262 and A-SPICE projects will be on the radar. Course is confirmed but there's still time to register if you're fast. There are options for 2-day Foundation in SysML, essentials 3-day or advanced 4-day training on SysML with Rhapsody. The material is up-to-date and developed with a license agreement with IBM.

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