Friday, 1 June 2018

Rhapsody 8.3.1 Open Beta

Rhapsody released tend to be aligned with Jazz platform cycles (6 monthly). This means that the time for 8.3.1 is approaching.

There is actually an open beta version you can download (obviously needed if you're testing Rhapsody Model Manager backend, like me).

The Rhapsody 8.3.1 beta link is on, all downloads tab:

Scroll to the bottom to find the Rhapsody Open Beta link. You might need to fiddle around a bit to get the IBM ID login to come up but it should allow you to download the zip.

Remember, although multiple Editions of Rhapsody can be installed, you need to be careful that the DLLs are registered correctly if you're using some of the add-ins (or you uninstall one of them hoping to use another).

Check out the bridges!

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